Expat Blog Hop.

The 23 April is the Expats Blog Hop. This is an opportunity to link an array of  blogs written by people like me who have been mad/ stubborn/resourceful or adventurous enough to decamp our own countries for the possibly greener pastures overseas with the deliberate, or not so deliberate intention of giving readers the a wide and varied view of our borrowed countries as we see them. (or don’t see them depending on how overwhelmed we are by language failures/paperwork/ red tape or life crises at the time of writing.

Join us to read our posts on the 23th April and leave any comments that you may feel drawn to make, enjoying  the sensation that you may indeed be that lucky person that draws the longest straw and ‘lands’ the free gift associated with each post!

If you are an expat and have a blog and would like to join the blog hop, link to Stephanie’s blog for further details. The last date for registration is the 21 April 2012.


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